What are the top 5 qualities an Involvement Minister should have?
Note - try to avoid the obvious, like, loving Jesus, etc., and there's no particular order.
I'll go first:
1) People centered
2) Creative
3) Servant heart
4) Spiritually energetic
5) Mentor
These are mostly questions on trust and character ...
1. Do they continually keep their word? Integrity.
2. Are they stable? Emotionally.
3. Do they have endurance? Faithfulness.
4. Are they smart? Dependance on God.
5. Can they be bought? Pride.
6. Do they care? Sincere. Gentle in personality. Non-abrasive in their approach.
7. Will they sacrifice? Giving of themselves.
8. Will they prioritize their responsibilities?
9. Will they keep their marriage vibrant? Will they raise their babies? Or will they sacrifice them for the position?
10. Will they commit to being led by the Holy Spirit? Answering to higher authority?
11. Will they remain teachable themselves?
12. Do they pray first?
13. Do they hold themselves accountable to God in everything? Or only when its easy?
14. Do they easily enter repentance? Or are they above it?
15. Will they show others how to "make things right" after making a mistake? Or will they hide it? Ignore it? Justify it?
16. Are they grateful to have Jesus?
17. Are they thankful to have the Word written down and God revealing Himself to us?
18. Are they under God's authority? Or above it?
19. Do they point to the cross as their answer to life's questions? When others need a lighthouse ... will they be pointed to Jesus or to the Involvement Minister? Or some other person?
20. Does their heart ache to save the lost?
21. Does their heart ache when others ache?
22. Do they have time for others? For real life?
23. Are they over-committed for the job?
24. Do they want to serve? Are they responding to a call from God or from themselves?
25. Are they happy to learn the hardships of leadership? Do they realize it will grow them into stronger servants of Jesus?
anonymous - of the 25 you listed... what do you consider the 5 most important?
My five:
1. servant
2. organized (a good planner/manager)
3. energetic
4. humble
5. creative
Hooray on the organization!
Also, number 21 above signals compassion - aching when others ache - that's huge!
1. Servant Heart
2. Deep love for folks
3. Passion for the Word
4. Missionary's mindset
5. Like-minded spouse (assumed married, of course.)
Hello, Daniel
I'm the non-member visiting your blog again . . .
1) Social. Do they understand the culture surrounding the church location (the community)
2) Relational. Can they identify with the unchurched in the surrounding community (if they cannot relate than why are you bothering?)
3) Prepared. Do they understand doctrine and can they tell the lost about Jesus? Have they prepared their testimony to share?
4) Priority. God first, Spouse, Children, Job, Ministry, People . . .
Welcome back! Great hearing from you as always. Priorities are paramount: Christ, family, church. It's crucial for memebrs to realize this as well so every new initiative isn't placed on the minister(s) or elders.
Also, knowing the cultural/geographical context is essential. The minister needs to know the issues prevalent in the area like, how best to do outreach and the religious background of new members/converts. Further, the minister should strive to help the church be indigenous and not import another "brand" of Christianity from another place in the country.
Hi Daniel, non-member again . . .
My heart is sad that I totally left out the youth . . . a true mark of humility is the ability to meet the youth at the level they are at. I recall reading statistics (you most likely know them by heart) the majority of life-long followers of Jesus Christ, gave their lives to Him before the age of 13. Ummm ... shouldn't the youth be a much higher priority than in the majority of churches today? Youth ministry is good only if the kids fall in love with Jesus and not the minister. What better group to teach and practice evangelism with than your youth . . . they would love to go out and reach the lost. They just need to be challenged in a meaningful way . . . and what better cause is their than for Christ?
Happy 4th
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